Monday, September 08, 2008


love making cards, they are so quick and fun and use up scraps and small pieces of paper and ribbon etc... discovered this great sketch blog through Lil Scrappers (a new 'local" site i discovered). Anyway, here are the two cards i made based on the weeks sketch and bonus sketches. So many possibilities. And a few layouts from our wedding album that i finished this week (just need a nice album to put the layouts and the pocket pages in to finish)


papertrails leaver said...

Be careful 2S4Y is addictive. :-)
Very nice cards!

Wilma said...

Wow!!! Love your cards!!!

Joke said...

I recognice the 2sketches4you cards and I like your takes. Great job.

MonaS! said...

wow - what great work! You've been busy.

**Nancy** said...

Amazing cards and layouts!!! your style is beautiful!

Kathryn said...

WOW -- your work is fantastic --
Love it all!! :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work! Both cards are just lovely.

Allison said...

lovely work love the colours on the 2S4Y card

Powerful Search Engine said...

Love your take on the sketches,Pascale :)

Kath Stewart said...

beautiful cards for the sketches and gorgeous LO's

Eveline said...

Great cards.
Happy anniversary.

Eveline said...

Great cards.
Happy anniversary.

~Carla~ said...

Gorgeous cards!!! Awesome job on the 2S4Y sketch this week! I love your LO's too.. wow!

Christine said...

Great takes on the 2S4Y sketches...the cards are beautiful!

Your wedding layouts are very pretty as well! Thanks for sharing!

Lesli said...

Gorgeous work - love all of the projects!! I enjoyed looking over your blog!

Kristen Swain said...

YUMMY! Love love the torn and aged look for this! BeaUtiful card!

Eva said...

Love your cards and your layouts, too!

melody said...

beautiful work on those wedding