Monday, January 15, 2007

Pluggin' Away!!!!

Well it's been two weeks since the accident and I'm getting better, some days better than others, still frustrated that my body aches and won't cooperate when my mind has lots to do! I did manage "one-a-day" scrap success though and even if it wasn't as much production as i would have liked I guess its better than nothing. The design team at Love2Scrap was working with Basic Grey Blush paper kit this past month and did some fabulous work, be sure to check out the gallery there for inspiration and see what pops up on the BG website in the near future!! Here's one of the layouts I did with it. I am hoping that this coming week is better and that I can find my mojo and be productive before I have to head back to work. I learned a bit about Digital scrap'n with PS today so expect to see some of that encorporated into my traditional designs.


Kelsey-Old Account said...

Yea, great LO!
Happy belated birthday!
Good to hear that there is progress with how you are feeling.
Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

love that LO!!!! glad to hear you are feeling better...still take it easy though!!! and from the digi stuff of yours i have you're off to a fabulous start!!! can't wait to see more!!! ciao for now!!

Kelly said...

This design is fabulous! Love the color combo and how it meshes to well with your photo!